Monday, April 04, 2005

This Could be Trouble has reported that both President Bush and the Dear Mass Murderer have both accepted invitations to appear at Russia's Victory Day celebrations. Russia Invites North Korea’s Kim to Take Part in Victory Day Celebrations
Russia has sent an official invitation to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, asking him to attend Victory Day celebrations on May 9, Reuters reports.

“It is possible to expect his arrival in Moscow for this event,” Konstantin Pulikovsky, the presidential envoy to the Far Eastern region that shares a border with the communist state, said.

South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun is already scheduled to attend and Kim’s presence would open up the prospect of only the second inter-Korean summit five years after the first in Pyongyang. It could also mean an unprecedented encounter between a U.S. president and a North Korean leader since George W. Bush has also said he will attend. However, earlier this year the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described North Korea as an “outpost of tyranny”. [emphasis mine - ed.]

North Korea was Russia’s Cold War ally and the bilateral relations between the two countries are still good. At the time of Kim’s visit to Moscow in 2000 Russian President Vladimir Putin described him as a man “it is possible to do business with”.
I would be very surprised if the President and the Freak were to actually meet.

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