Sunday, September 18, 2011

Religious Freedom and Free Speech in Pakistan

Religious freedom must be strong in the craphole that is Pakistan, because the craphole that is Pakistan is not on the United States' list of “Countries of Particular Concern” in the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom published by the U.S. State Department under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

From; Pakistan Passes Obama's 'Religious Freedom' Test—After Sentencing Christian to Death
Pakistan, which has issued a death sentence to a Christian mother of five for allegedly blaspheming the prophet Mohammed, and which regularly prosecutes Christians for allegedly blaspheming Islam, has passed the religious freedom test imposed by the Obama administration.
The countries listed in the "Countries of Particular Concern" and eligible for sanctions are; Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Uzbekistan. Of these, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan will not have any sanctions applied against them.

Death for choosing to disagree with Islam is written into the Pakistani Constitution.
“Freedom of speech was subject to ‘reasonable’ restrictions in the interest of the ‘glory of Islam,’ as stipulated in sections 295(a), (b), and (c) of the penal code,” says the report.

“The consequences of contravening the country’s blasphemy laws were death for defiling Islam or the prophets; life imprisonment for defiling, damaging, or desecrating the Qur’an; and 10 years imprisonment for insulting ‘another’s religious feelings,’” says the report.

Christians are the top target of these Pakistani laws. “Laws prohibiting blasphemy continued to be used against Christians,” says the State Department report.
Which is apparently ok with the State Department.

There is more, read it all. And while you're at it, read;

Christian In Pakistan Burned Alive, Wife Raped By Police, Because They Refused To Convert To Islam; The man was burned in front of the police station in Rawalpindi. In response, the police went to his house and raped his wife. Their three children were forced to watch these attacks. More here and here.

How Muslims in Pakistan Use the Law to Persecute Christians

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