Sunday, November 13, 2005

Anti-Americanism in South Korea

My hatred for the government of North Korea does not translate to support of an American military presence in South Korea. That force is so small that it would be little more than a speed bump during a North Korean invasion of South Korea, and they know that. While it would be exceptionally tragic for South Korea to be defeated in war and be governed by the murderers of North Korea, it would be better to preserve our forces in Japan to be used later, after the initial thrust of the DPRK, rather than lose them in a diplomatic and political exercise. As it stands now, our troops are there as an act of generosity to the people and government of South Korea. In fact, they are a hindrance to our ability to negotiate freely with the North Korean government because they are basically hostages to the murderer freak-boy Kim Jong-Il. The only benefit to the South Koreans is business. Most of which still want our money.

It is time for us to go. Perhaps the world will learn something by watching what happens to South Korea once we leave. Western liberals and their leftist™ fellow travelers will celebrate, but their cruelty will be fully revealed. Ironically the defeat of South Korea would aid in the struggle against them elsewhere.

joshua has the story and pictures at onefreekorea

Signs of the Times: So This Is Why I Spent Four Years in Korea

The (now former) Korean Ambassador to the U.S., Hong Seok-hyun, disputes this.
Hong attributed such conceptions to an insufficient under- standing of changes sweeping Korea and the world at large, and to excessive focus on trivial incidents.

One major change in Korean society was that the decision-making process has become more complex, Hong said. Now dissenters need to be convinced, and the process takes longer as the democratization of Korean society progresses.
I have to say that that is pretty lame. The people in joshua's photos were not waiting for the opportunity to be convinced of anything.

Perhaps he fears the weakening of American support for our presence there, and rightfully so.

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